my lot lawyer .com

We are excited to bring this site to life. 

If you happened to stumble upon us here you may notice that there is still some work to be done.  For now this is just a starting point for our online presence.  It will be a while before everything is fully operational, but we're getting there!! 

So, just what the heck is a lot lawyer, anyway? ...

lot lawyer     noun
lot law·​yer | \ ˈlät ˈlȯ-yər  ,  ˈlät ˈlȯi-ər  \

Definition of a lot lawyer

 : an advisor to someone who has little or no experience buying a car
 : an automobile sales industry slang term

We are here to be your lot lawyer.​ 

We know that buying a vehicle can be an intimidating task.  Most people have no idea how to negotiate through the entire process properly.  It's not something you're born with . . . and even friends or family that are in the auto business may only know some of what you need to know.

That's why we are here.  We will help you with these key areas: 
 Choosing the right vehicle

 Choosing the right dealership

 Choosing how to pay

 What to expect In the finance office

How?  With an app that explains the entire process, and the key parts of each step of the purchase.  The app will be available soon, on both Android and Apple iOS platforms.